Doctorate ACS

Theses defended publicly in 2018

In 2018 there have been defended publicly 19 Ph.D. theses by Romanian students and 2 theses by foreign students. From the 21 finalized theses, 8 are in the SE domain and 13 in the CIT domain. There was 1 double Ph.D. degree thesis.

Ph.D. theses in the System Engineering domain finalized and defended in 2018:

  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Theodor Borangiu
    • Ph.D. student: Octavian Andrei Silişteanu
      Thesis title: Holonic hybrid supervised control of radiopharmaceutical production with service-oriented architercture
      Date of public defence: 09.11.2018 publicity
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Cătălin Buiu
    • Ph.D. student:  George Andrei Florea
      Thesis title: Contributions to the control of collective robotic systems using membrane computing
      Date of public defence: 05.07.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Acad. Florin Filip
    • Ph.D. student:  Isabela Andreea Iiescu
      Thesis title: The “Quick Progress” management method  for teams developing application software for publicity and finance performance analysis using Big Data
      Date of public defence: 29.01.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Sergiu Stelian Iliescu
    • Ph.D. student:  Mihaela Puianu
      Thesis title: The control of distribution processes with renewable power sources

Date of public defence: 23.11.2018

  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Costică Nitu
    • Ph.D. student:  Sabin Popescu
      Thesis title: Optimal control of renewable power source networks(photovoltaic)
      Date of public defence: 15.11.2018
  • Conducător ştiinţific: Cristian Oară
    • Ph.D. student:  Florin Sebastian Tudor
      Thesis title: Robust and optimal control theory for algebraic dynamical systems
      Date of public defence: 16.10.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Dumitru Popescu
    • Ph.D. student:  Cristian Miron
      Thesis title: Robust tolerant control of power systems
      Date of public defence: 06.11.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Valentin Sgârciu
    • Ph.D. student:  Bogdan Nedelcu
      Thesis title: Information technologies for the analysis of business processes
      Date of public defence: 04.10.2018

Ph.D. theses in the Computers and Information Technology domain finalized and defended in 2018:

  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Valentin Cristea
    • Ph.D. student: Cătălin Gosman
      Thesis title: Security mechanisms for intelligent transportation systems
      Date of public defence: 11.10.2018
  • Scientific coordinators: Prof.Dr.Eng. Adina Magda Florea, UPB and Prof. Dr. Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Sorbonne University, Paris, France (double Ph.D degree)
    • Ph.D. student: Tudor Marius Benea
      Thesis title: Collective intelligence in AmI environments
      Date of public defence: 10.12.2018
    • Ph.D. student: Dan-Marius Novischi
      Thesis title: Non-holonomic self-organizing robot swarm with visual perception in support of indoor exploration applications
      Date of public defence: 12.10.2018
    • Ph.D. student: Sameer Feras Alhaijawy
      Thesis title: Automatic planning system for activity management to help people with special needs
      Date of public defence: 26.07.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Florica Moldoveanu
    • Ph.D. student: Oana Maria Ferche
      Thesis title: A system for neuromotor rehabilitation using virtual reality
      Date of public defence: 02.11.2018
    • Ph.D. student: Oana Alexandra Voinea
      Thesis title: Augmented and virtual reality in the study of biomechanics
      Date of public defence: 02.11.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Mircea Petrescu
    • Ph.D. student: Ciprian-Octavian Truică
      Thesis title: A scalable document-oriented architecture for text mining and analysis
      Date of public defence: 09.07.2018
    • Ph.D. student: Marius Rafailescu
      Thesis title: Consensus problem – distributed transaction commit
      Date of public defence: 09.07.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Răzvan Rughiniş
    • Ph.D. student: Dumitru-Cristian Trancă
      Thesis title: Optimizations in Industriat Internet of Things
      Date of public defence: 30.10.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Ştefan Trăuşan-Matu
    • Ph.D. student: Abdullah Munef Ahmed
      Thesis title: Machine learning and natural language processing for the analysis and classification of Arabic language poems
      Date of public defence: 25.09.2018
  • Scientific coordinator: Prof.Dr.Eng. Nicolae Ţăpuş
    • Ph.D. student: Răzvan Tătăroiu
      Thesis title: Optimized architectures for wireless, self-configurasble sensor networks
      Date of public defence: 10.12.2018
    • Ph.D. student: Adriana Drăghici
      Thesis title: Contributions to the management of mobility data
      Date of public defence: 10.12.2018
    • Ph.D. student: Silvia Cristina Stegaru
      Thesis title: Modeling, monitoring and optimizing energy consumption in buildings
      Date of public defence: 30.10.2018

All the theses defended in 2018 have been validated by the CNATDCU specialty commission granting doctor titles at national level in the SE and CIT domains; hence the percentage of obtaining the doctor title after public defence is 100%. For both SE and CIT domains all Ph.D. titles were validated by the CNATDCU commission without any delay or request to extend or modify the theses.

The titles of doctor have been validated in 2018 through Decision of the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research (OMENCŞ) as follows:


OMENCŞ Ph.D. students to whom the PhD title has been granted, and the domain
No. Date of release
3356 21.03.2018 Gutu Marius Gabriel (CTI), Mogosanu Lucian (CTI)
4193 27.07.2018 Iliescu Andreea Isabela (IS)
5474 14.11.2018 Alhailawy Sameer Feras (CTI), Duta Cristina Loredana (CTI), Florea Andrei George (IS), Novischi Dan Marius (CTI), Paraschiv Ionut Cristian (CTI), Rafailescu Marius (CTI), Taslitchi Cristian Constantin (CTI), Truica Ciprian Octavian (CTI)
5745 28.12.2018 Nedelcu Bogdan (IS), Silisteanu Andrei Octavian (IS), Tranca Dumitru Cristian (CTI), Tudor Sebastian Florin (IS)