SD_AC Council
The actual structure of the SD_AC Council has been established according to the Bylaw for the organization of managing staff elections in the Doctoral schools of the University Politehnica of Bucharest, approved by the UPB Senate in 2016. The SD_AC Council is composed of 7 principal members (4 Ph.D thesis directors, 2 Ph.D. students and 1 scientific personality from outside UPB), and 4 honoured members (distinguished professors and researchers from outside UPB, having international scientific reputation).
Members of the Doctoral School of Automatic Control and Computers Council:
![]() | Florin Pop, Director of the SD_AC, Computer Science Department, UPB, |
![]() | Florica Moldoveanu, member of the SD_AC Council, Computer Science Department, UPB, |
![]() | Dan Popescu, member of the SD_AC Council, Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics Department, UPB, |
![]() | Bogdan Dumitrescu, member of the SD_AC Council, Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department, UPB, |
![]() | Radu Precup, member of the SD_AC Council, University Politehnica of Timisoara, UPT, |
![]() | Vlad-Andrei Bădoiu, membru al Consiliului SD_AC, PhD Domain: Computer Science and Information Technology |
![]() | Ana-Sophia Schuler, membru al Consiliului SD_AC, PhD Domain: System Engineering |
Honoured members of the Doctoral school Automatic Control and Computers Council:
![]() | Traian Muntean, honoured member of the SD_AC Council, Universitatea Aix-Marseille, Franţa, |
![]() | Alexandru Soceanu, honoured member of the SD_AC Council, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germania, |
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Professor Duncan McFarlane, honoured member of the SD_AC Council, University of Cambridge, UK, |
![]() | Vladimir Răsvan, honoured member of the SD_AC Council, University of Craiova, România, |
Mission of the SD_AC Council:
The Director of the SD_AC manages the Doctoral school’s Council, having the following assignments:
- Executive management of the doctoral programs;
- Verification of timely activities execution;
- Coordination of annual admission sessions to doctoral studies;
- Attesting the advisory teams for thesis preparation and the thesis public defence juries proposed by the Ph.D. coordinators;
- Verification and validation of institutional protocols and agreements for European and joint Ph.D. programs, according to the SD_AC Bylaw;
- Validation of Ph.D. student learning programs, of scientific Ph.D. activity reports and of thesis public defence reports;
- Verifying and certifying students’ documents for documenting and thesis preparation stages in visiting institutions (in country universities and companies, and abroad);
- Follow-up of applying the SD_AC Council decisions;
- Representing the Doctoral school of Automatic Control and Computers in the Doctoral Studies Council (CSUD) of University Politehnica of Bucharest
The SD_AC Council has the following responsibilities:
- Establishing and coordinating the doctoral research strategy of the SD_AC in conformity with the current ww RDI lines in the “System Engineering” and “Computers and IT” scientific and technical areas, with the R&D strategy of the Automatic Control and Computers in the University Politehnica of Bucharest, and with the national research-development-innovation plans and programs;
- Coordinating the entire doctoral studies program of SD_AC in the System Engineering and Computers and IT domains;
- Maintaining the scientific level of doctoral studies in the SE and CIT domains at high quality standards, in the framework of HE laws;
- Establishing the Agenda of doctoral activities;
- Attesting the learning plan of the doctoral learning program which aggregates the individual Ph.D. student learning programs proposed by the Ph.D. coordinators;
- Certifying the ECTS obtained by Ph.D. students from a Master program or another doctoral program or activity proposed by the scientific coordinator;
- Analysing the request of a Ph.D. student to change her/his thesis director, and validation of the change proposal in case the current coordinator does not fulfil his duties assumed in the signed doctoral contract; designating a new thesis director in the justified cases of unavailability or not fulfilling the assumed duties;
- Approving the affiliation to SD_AC of new scientific researchers from universities and organisations external to UPB, habilitated in the SE or CIT domains (in Romania) or in SE, CIT or close scientific areas (abroad);
- Approving SD_AC members leaving the Doctoral school at request or when, according to the SD_AC Bylaw, they do not fulfil the established duties;
- Managing the SD_AC’s budget in case it is established as a fraction of the CSUD / UPB or A&C /UPB budget, based on the funding received from the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research, from doctoral taxes perceived by UPB, and from research grants and contracts worked out by Ph.D. coordinators;
- Supervising joint Ph.D. programs, doctoral programs carried out with companies, and doctoral students stages abroad;
- Granting support in the process of habilitating new Ph.D. coordinators, in conformity with the present Law of Education and the bylaws of UPB Senate;
- Establishing the number of new annual Ph.D. student positions to be funded from the Ministry budget for the SE and CIT domains and allocating the Ph.D student positions granted by CSUD / UPB for the two doctoral domains SE and CIT;
- Distributing special Ph.D. scholarships for the student enrolled in the SE and CIT doctoral domains.