Arhiva programe postdoctorale
Cadrele didactice universitare şi cercetătorii care au obtinut titlul de doctor ai Universitatii Politehnica din Bucuresti în domeniile Calculatoare şi Tehnologia Informaţiei (CTI) si Ingineria Sistemelor (IS) pot beneficia de programe si stagii de cercetare: 1) de scurta durata, 2) anuale sau 3) pe perioade determinate organizate respectiv de UPB, de fundatii si institutii din Romania si din strainatate, si de firme de profil.
In perioada 2020-2021 se organizeaza urmatoarele programe de cercetare post doctorale:
- Programe post doctorale in UPB: astfel de programe pot fi organizate in UPB ca programe de studii postuniversitare de formare şi dezvoltare profesională şi de perfectionare, sau ca programe de studii postuniversitare de educație continuă, denumite în continuare Programe postuniversitare. Organizarea acestor programe este reglementata prin REGULAMENTUL privind organizarea și desfășurarea programelor de studii postuniversitare in UPB aprobat în ședința Senatului UPB din data de 31.10.2019.
- Programe post doctorale anuale oferite de fundatii si servicii de mobilitati academice:
- Programe post doc oferite de firme de profil si de universitati straine:
A-Succes – Dezvoltarea competențelor de antreprenoriat ale doctoranzilor și postdoctoranzilor – cheie a succesului în carieră
A-Succes este un proiect cofinanţat din Fondul Social European (FSE) prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman (POCU) 2014-2020, Axa Prioritară 6- Educație și competențe, Cod SMIS 125125, nr. contract: 51675/09.07.2019.
Obiectivul general al proiectului este facilitarea tranziției de la educație la muncă a unui număr de 9 post doctoranzi ai UPB în domeniile de cercetare CTI (Mihai Carabas, Dumitru Clementin Cercel, Alexandru Butean, Oana Balan) si IS (Bogdan Nedelcu, Oana Chenaru, Andrei Silisteanu, Roxana Marcu, Irina Tache) prin participarea acestora la programe de formare antreprenorială, module de cursuri complementare, orientare și consiliere profesională, precum și activități de învățare la un potențial loc de muncă / cercetare, dezvoltate în parteneriat cu agenți economici și organizatii de CDI.
Perioada de implementare este de 18 luni: 10.07.2019 – 09.01.2021.
Este acordat un sprijin financiar post doctoranzilor din grupul tinta pentru realizare lunara a activităților specifice proiectului:
- frecventarea programului de competențe antreprenoriale (componenta teoretică – 12 module și componenta practică – 5 workshopuri, 10 sesiuni de coaching, finalizat cu realizarea unui plan de afaceri/sustenabilitate);
- frecventarea programului de orientare și consiliere profesională;
- frecventarea a 3 module complementare: ”Egalitate de șanse”, ”Etica în cercetare și drepturile de autor” și ”Valorificarea rezultatelor cercetării”;
- participarea la cel putin o conferință stiintifica in domeniu si publicarea a cel putin unui articol științific în tema studiilor postdoctorale.
Burse de cercetare Humboldt pentru cercetători post doctorat
If you decide to continue working in science or research after completing your doctorate, you can do so at a university, a non-university research institute or a company that engages in research and development ( They all offer attractive positions for international junior researchers:
- The traditional career path for postdoctoral scholars involves a position at a university leading to a professorship. However, science and research offer many other opportunities.
- Non-university research organisations are often very well-equipped and offer postdoctoral researchers a good starting point for launching their careers. Postdocs can work in teams with researchers from all over the world here, and research projects are often integrated in international partnerships.
- Research-oriented companies engage in practical research and offer favourable career prospects, which makes them a good option for your next career step after completing a doctorate.
SF Express Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Engineering at the Institute for Manufacturing(IfM) , University of Cambridge UK
The SF Express Fellow will be based in the Distributed Information and Automation Laboratory (DIAL) within the Institute for Manufacturing, but will work with multiple research centres within the Department of Engineering to work with industrial companies on global supply chain logistics issues. Their work will clarify the role of new emerging hardware/software technologies and their impact on logistics. This will include organising academic and industrial workshops/events in industrial logistics and supply chain management, leading/supporting a programme in intelligent logistics, and some teaching in areas relating to industrial logistics.
The qualifications required to perform the role are to have obtained a PhD in Engineering, Manufacturing, Computer Science or a related discipline, along with significant postdoctoral experience. Candidates will need to have a demonstrated a significant aptitude in relevant areas of research and an ability to work within a team.
Key Responsibilities:
- Carry out research in the field of industrial logistics, with particular emphasis on technologies that can enhance logistics operations – 40%
- Work with industrial companies on supply chain logistics issues. Organise academic and industrial workshops/events in industrial logistics – 20%
- Lead/support programme in intelligent logistics, including some teaching in relevant areas – 20%
- Dissemination, including journal and conference papers – 10%
- contribute to other research projects within DIAL – 10%
Grade: 9. Salary range: Senior Research Associate: £41,526 – £52,559. Staff Group: Research. Department / Institution: Department of Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge. Length of appointment: 5 years. Probation period: 6 months.
Post-doctoral Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar program
Tsinghua University has created the Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program, a doctoral degree program focused on attracting excellent scholars who will undertake research across 50 disciplines. The program supports doctoral scholars in their academic career and educates leading researchers in various fields. Applications for the 2020 “Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program” are now open and selection has begun. We encourage Ph.D. scholars who are committed to academic research and innovation to apply for this prestigious program.
Application Requirements
- Applicants must fulfill the following requirements:
- Hold a Ph.D. degree outside China from a top ranked university
- Be under 35 years old;
- Have obtained their PhD degree within the last three years in the “System Engineering” or “Computers and IT” fields (recent doctoral graduates are given priority);
- Undertake to work full time at Tsinghua University after beginning the program.
Scale and Benefits
In 2020, a maximum of 200 scholars will be admitted to the program.
Shuimu Scholars will receive an annual salary of 300,000 RMB (ca. 42,000 USD before tax) for two years. Shuimu Scholars will be provided with transitional housing on the campus or provided with housing subsidies of 42,000 RMB per year, state-funded housing subsidies of 1,2000 RMB per year, as well as subsidies for property management and heating.
Shuimu Tsinghua Scholars enjoy the same medical plan privileges as Tsinghua faculty, and their children are offered positions at Tsinghua University’s kindergarten and primary school.
Shuimu Tsinghua Scholars can also participate in career training courses offered to Tsinghua faculty, and can apply for funds and allowances for attending top-level international conferences.
- First round of applications and reviews:
- Submission date: April 2020 (please consult the department to which you are applying for the specific time)
- Recommendations provided by departments: May 10, 2020
- Review and result: June 2020
- Second round of applications and reviews:
- Submission date: October 2020 (please consult the department to which you are applying for the specific time)
- Recommendations provided by departments: November 10, 2020
- Review and result: December 2020
Contact for the Department of Automation: Prof. Samuel Jia,